Can Aksan
Can Aksan Istanbul ve Milano’da yasiyor. AA, Architectural Association School of Architecture, Spatial Design and Performance (MFA), AAIS’den üstün basarı ile mezun oldu ve Politecnico di Milano’da mimarlık bölumünü bitirdi. Present Water ismi ile müzik üretiyor ve Berlin temelli Verlag üzerinden yayınlıyor. Food culture days platformuna destek veriyor. Uzun metraj filmi yeni film fonu tarafından fonlandı ve Interactive documentary workshop (Susi) tarafından burs aldı. Venedik mimarlık bienali, Possibility of an Island(AA Visiting School), Palermo Culture city katıldıgı sergiler/etkinlikler arasında.
Can Aksan lives and works between Milan and Istanbul. Graduated from the AA, Architectural Association School of Architecture, Spatial Design and Performance (MFA), AAIS with distinction, and from Politecnico di Milano, Science of Architecture. He is an active collaborator of Food Cultures Days. Produces music under the title of Present Water and published with Berlin based label Verlag. His feature film is funded by New Film Fund and granted a scholarship from Interactive Documentary Workshop (Supsi). He has participated in events/exhibitions such as the Venice Architecture Biennale, Possibility of an Island (AA Visiting School), and Palermo Culture City.